On May 17, 12:46*pm, wrote:
To Blame the demise of iBiquity digital radio on the economy is
disingenuous. It never got off the ground - even in previously better
times. *The window of opportunity never was. *Economic status has
little to do with it but now you have a convenient out, don’t you.
Automakers and electronics manufacturers have always been reluctant,
for good reason – consumers don’t want it. *Why would any manufacture
invest developmental dollars on such an unwanted scheme? *Sony lost
millions on it before the economy tanked. Using the economy for an
excuse is bogus. And that’s part of the problem – proponents of
iBiquity digital radio can’t seem to understand or even tell the
truth. *(I don’t like to refer to it as “HD Radio” as that gives it an
undeserving credibility.)
Struble is so dumb that he surveyed people to see what they were
thinking. *But he was really attempting to find a way to exploit his
defective digital radio scheme. The purpose of a survey is to
ultimately give people what they want - not find a way to force-feed a
product on consumers. * I’m sure the survey backfired on him.
Ibiquity has slanted statistics in its favor for years. *Struble made
a claimed a year back that he was “converting” stations a rate of one
per day coercing the radio world into thinking his digital radio
scheme was a done deal – this is the standard - get on board or else.
Radios with low powered do-everything-chips never materialized thus
(to his major irritation) he couldn’t force-feed his scheme into cell
phones and other devices. *His comparison of iBiquity digital radio to
the early days of FM is just plain manipulation to those of us who
understand radio and its history. *These statements and false claims
and other tactics made him look foolish as well arrogant to us little
People do Internet searches for information on products and services.
It can make or break you. Therefore, I’m doing my small part helping
the World understand that iBiquity is a bad company and digital radio
is a bad deal.
Great post, Jim! The more negative posts that flood the Internet, the
more Booble is going to get frustrated and look even more foolish. I
certainly have done my part, as these Google Analytics reports show:
20,000 hits from over 90 countries! I bet that is really ****ing off
Bob - LOL! Yes, we must continue to flood the Internet, as Struble has
no plans on giving up. Here is Struble's original HD Radio
Questionnaire, before Jabobs/iBiquity pulled this original and
replaced it with this sanitized version:
Jabobs cut out all questions that would have implicated HD Radio as a
failure. But, too ****ing late - Jabobs forgot about the cached
version on surveymonkey.com, and only revamped the original on his
site and his cache. Then I contacted Gorman and he worte this blurp
"Radio: High Deception"
"But the best comes at the expense of consultant and paid iBiquity HD
Radio shill Fred Jacobs... Here’s a tale of two research studies, one
of which vanished into thin air – or at least was thought to. You see,
it started when a new 41-question survey about HD Radio from Jacobs
for iBiquity was mentioned in a Radio-Info.com forum on October 31.
Almost immediately, the original survey vanished and was replaced by
this sanitized 16-question version... So who pulled the original HD
Radio survey – and why?"
Here are the true numbers of HD Radio stations converted - a little
over 1,700, not "near 2,000", as Struble claims:
And, these claims have gone on for years:
"Have 200 HD Radio stations gone missing?"
"The HD Radio camp is advertising that there are currently over 1,500
radio stations now broadcasting in HD (from its website, to press
releases as well as in various other promotions)... but yet only 1,300
have filed with the FCC."
iBiquity's new chipset is still to big and way too power hungry.
Struble claims that he will have a portable HD/MP3 player this Summer:
"A portable HD Radio for your troubles, sir?"
"This is the portable radio that’s supposed to rescue HD Radio from
obscurity. It was showed off at last week’s CES, but since its name
wasn’t the Palm Pre no one gave a damn. It’s the KRI Armband Portable
HD Radio Player, and, as the name suggests, it’s a portable HD radio."
But I doubt it, because:
"Sub-$50 Portable HD Radio landing this summer"
"As well as HD Radio it’ll be able to pick up FM broadcasts, but
there’s no word on battery life, AM capabilities or manufacturer."
"SiPort Releases Single-Chip Solution (SP1010)"
"The single-chip HD Radio IC is small — 9 x 9 millimeters, or about
one-third of an inch square — and draws 110 milliwatts of power,
several times less than competitors, SiPort says... That compares to a
prototype KRI armband MP3 player/HD Radio receiver that iBiquity
displayed in its booth at CES, the smallest device that an IBOC chip
has been integrated into so far. That device uses 500 milliwatts of
power and would last between six to eight hours after one charge,
Velamuri estimated."
"SP1010 Features"
"Multi-band, multi-standard broadcast digital audio and digital video
receiver supporting: Total power dissipation of 110 mW in HD Radio
"Music playback time (battery life)"
"Music playback time is the officially quoted longest time that a
single battery charge will last when you use the phone as a music
player only. Usually those numbers are only achievable when the phone
is set to Flight mode (i.e. all transceivers are off) and the
headphones are used (as opposed to the loudspeaker)."
Samsung's HD chipset never materialzed because it could only run on a
set of batteries for two hours. SiPort lied, as its claims were for HD
Raadio Playback Mode, only! LOL!