On May 21, 4:41*am, dave wrote:
~ RHF wrote:
Actually today Rush Limbaugh spoke about the
old Arbitron Diaries and the new People Meters;
and how the new Portable People Meters are
changing the old biased assumptions {Weightings}
about Who Listens to What On the Radio ~ RHF
- Is that why the feds are investigating Arbitr[ary]on's
- PPM meter for undercounting some demos?
Dave there you go promoting another Liberal Lie.
Yes the Obama-RegimeŠ is trying to Intimidate
Arbitron to Silence-The-Truth about What Real
People Listen-To On-the-Radio.
The old Diary System 'weighted' certain Demos
to 'favor' Minority Listeners and Radio Stations.
-aka- Affirmative Action
The new People Meters simply track what People
in-fact Listen-To whether they are : White, Black,
Brown, Yellow, Red, Male, Female, LGBTG,
Hispanic, etc . . .
Oops the new People Meters report that the
Number of so-called Liberals who in-fact Listen-To
AM Talk-Radio is actually Higher that was previously
'guesstimated' by the old Diary System.
dang who-da thunk ~ RHF