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Old October 15th 03, 03:38 PM
Boris Mohar
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 13:34:45 +0100, Paul Burridge

On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 11:47:40 +0100, Don Pearce

Layout, layout and layout.

Decouplers close to chips, short ground leads. Also be quite certain
that the ringing is really there. Ditch the ground lead from the scope
probe and make a very short one by wrapping stiff wire round the earth
ring at the end of the probe and leaving a piece as long as the probe
tip sticking out. Get up close to the chip signal and ground pins and
see if the ringing is gone.

Thanks Don. I'll try that suggestion. I've read Mike's reply but I
think he's pretty much saying the same thing as you.
I've ended up with a decoupling cap that straddles diagonally over the
top of the IC. For some reason, on this chip, the supply and gnd pins
are on opposite corners, which is a nuisance, so the cap's leads are
longer than I'd have liked. I suppose this sort of situation doesn't

I was once called down to the production testing by a newly hired tech with a
similar complaint of excessive ringing. Turned out that the scope was grounded
to the circuit by a separate banana lead. The scope probe ground was removed
"because it was is not convenient" although there were plenty of local ground
point provided on the board. There was some residual ringing in his ears



Boris Mohar

Got Knock? - see:
Viatrack Printed Circuit Designs
Aurora, Ontario