Thread: contact cleaner
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Old October 17th 03, 01:21 AM
Dave Platt
Posts: n/a

Speaking of contact cleaner, anyone remember that Radio Shack
had two contact cleaners, one generic and another for color TV?

I have a vague recollection that one type of "tuner cleaner" actually
included a small amount of a lightly-abrasive material, intended to
clean oxidation and cigarette tar and etc. off of the contacts in
old-style black-and-white television tuners. Some "tuner cleaner"
products also include a lightweight oil to act as a residual
lubricant. Then, there are the (preferred, IMHO) "zero-residue"
contact cleaners.

Hey, it worked for Nike, why not Radio Shack? I imagine they have
digital contact cleaner -- or maybe "digital ready" contact cleaner,

That's probably part of it, too ;-)

Sorry, gotta go now. I'll be going into the next room, so I have to
change out of my hardwood walking shoes into my rug walking shoes. If I
can find 'em. . . let's see, . . . jogging shoes, running shoes,
bicycling shoes, napping shoes, eating shoes. . .

Dave Platt AE6EO
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