"Large" volume antenna
On Jun 1, 2:42*pm, Art Unwin wrote:
I have just made a larger than usual antenna that radiates well below
the broadcast band so I may study generated radiation patterns. The
is on a structure that rotates as well as a tipping action, all *about
4 feet above the ground. Initially I will just listen to signal
variences when aim and tilt is in the best position. I recognise that
I may have to put a digital meter across the S meter terminals
together with a holding capacitor but for the moment I will be guided
by the S meter. On the upper frequencies I will hook up to a TV for a
visual. SWR readings will be initially recorded
across all frequencies in the horizontal position to be used as a
which certainly be required as shielding is added in the near future.
My cat has mittens. :/