I currently have two radios:
Icom IC R-7000
Grundig Satellit 750
At 2258Z on Fri 5 June 2009 at 27085 kHz [CB 11?], I was able to
receive clear [with a 20-second semi-deep fade cycle] transmissions
[presumably from Kentucky] since one guy kept speaking about someone
having business in "the Bluegrass." This transmission came through on
Grundig with the internal antenna [the outside long wire seems almost
useless]. The Icom with a discone antenna placed 32 feet in the air was
deaf. Any suggestions on how to repair this problem or does anyone know
why that would be? slade
For a "Receive Only" Antenna the elevated Discone Antenna with a Coax Cable
feed-in-line should work OK with the Icom R-7000 VHF/UHF Receiver.
The Diamond D-130J Discone Antenna "Receives" from 25 MHz to 1300 MHz * The
50 MHz note is about Transmitting.
Getting the Discone Antenna 5~10 Feet above the Roof-Line of the House on a
Grounded Metal Mast may help to improve your overall Radio Reception.
FWIW - # 14 AWG Wire is not a very good Electrical Ground path and poor RF
Grounding. Number # 10 AWG Copper Stranded Wire is generally consider to be
the minimum Wire Size for a Radio Shack's Ground Wire.
Ground Rods an 8-Foot Copper Clad Ground Rod is recommended as 'close' to
your Radio Shack as possible with the 'shortest' Ground Wire practical.
http://www.cosjwt.com/index.php?a=16 http://www.eham.net/articles/6848
iane ~ RHF
I feel better that I purchased the right antenna, but that doesn't answer my
receiver's deafness. I have an email to AESHam Orlando to see if they have
any answers. Right now, the roof line is 13'10" high and the anchor point
for the antenna is at 31'08". I can easily place a ground wire on the mast.
The mast is 1-1/2" metal conduit. I will replace the 14 awg with 10 ga.
Right now, the copper ground rod I have is about three or four feet from the
radios [right outside the window], so the ground wire may be six feet at