Does anyone know anything about Voice above or over ip provider?
Give us a little more information:
- are the sounds continuous? or only happen at certain times of the day?
- is it really voices? what does it sound like?
- "seems to come from electronic stuff around the house?" What kinds of
stuff? Only the PC?
- do you hear the sound even when the "stuff" is turned off? Some very
strong signals can by heard through stereo speakers even if the stereo is
not running.
- "coming from BEHIND the computer?" In other words, not from the computer's
speakers but somewhere else on the computer?
- How is your PC connected to the Internet: dial-up over phone lines? Cable
TV modem? Phone company DSL?
A few troubleshooting hints:
Some people living near Radio or TV stations can hear those stations in
electronic devices (phones, stereos, computer speakers). IF the sounds are
continuous, that may be the source.
If the sounds are not continuous, but only heard once in a while, the sounds
are more likely coming from some intermittent source. Perhaps a taxi cab or
trucking company radio, a local CB or Ham radio operator... something like
Can you actually hear a voice, or does it sound like "Donald Duck?" If the
voice is intelligible, it is more likely a CB operator running AM (amplitude
modulation, the dominant mode on CB); whereas if it sounds like "Donald
Duck" talking, it may be a Ham Radio running SSB (single sideband, the
dominant mode on amateur radio).
As Dave Pratt mentioned in his excellent reply, there are ways to filter out
unwanted stray RF energy.... but first you need to understand the source and
how/where it is getting into your "stuff".
In my opinion, there is no way that VoIP (Voice over IP) could cause this
problem... for a whole bunch of geeky reasons. You need to look somewhere
else for the culprit.
"gumbyridespokey" wrote in message
I have been getting sounds in our house that seems to come from
electronic stuff around the house.
I also listened to what sounded like voices coming from behind the
We as a Family are stumped. We have written Bell Canada as well as
call there teck support, They don't understand what voice over ip
Someone has mentioned that this could be happening to get into banks ,
homes, anything really. If you hack could you please tell me how to
fix this.
As we said we are stumped?
Toronto, Canada