Hi everyone I have made a power supply for my rigs
The schematic is the typical regulator with power transistor wrapped
it for the extra juice.
I need 40 amps continues ..
I tried 4 mj2955 which are rather nice for foot warming in the winter .
I also tried nte-180 which are very good. is there anything better at a
logical price
I would like to keep the number of transistors down to 1 or 2.
Can someone advise my on what to use for power?
Assuming that so far you have only considered bi-polar transistors ,perhaps
it would be beneficial to look into the application of Power MOSFETs. In the
'on' state they have a very low resistance ,hence at high currents they
dissipate less heat .
Consequently you would need smaller heat sinks.
Frank GM0CSZ / KN6WH