Damn Mike
Mike wrote:
On Jun 9, 8:07 am, dxAce wrote:
Mike wrote:
On Jun 9, 4:46 am, dxAce wrote:
Just Plain Burr wrote:
You ask me a question then don't say "Jack ****"!!
Maybe the intern caught up with him?
I'm not worried. Any sane person reading this newsgroup should be able
to easily figure you out and see what you're all about. If they can
stomach reading all your juvenile insults.
But, Gregg will say I'm the one keeping trouble going. You can say
anything you want, but I'm the one keeping trouble going.
Hey, you're the dufus who once stated: "I'm a college professor with a PhD"
Stunningly predictable on your part, Steve.
Did you have a bet going, dufus?
LMFAO at the lying PhDufus