More Bad Logs - Just for Steve Lare!
Michael W. Bryant, known dufus, wrote:
On Jun 13, 6:04 pm, dxAce wrote:
Michael W. Bryant, vacationing excrement from Louisville Technical Institute,
who once laid claim to a PhD, wrote:
WBCQ, USA-Maine, on 15420 at 1845 UTC in English. Woman w/ religious
sermon. SIO-454, is this some sort of suppressed carrier? The USB is
far stronger than the lower sideband. (Bryant – KY, E1, June 13)
CRI, via Cerrik, Albania, on 9455 at 1855 UTC in French. Asian
instrumental mx. YL anncr, right after mx, followed by M w/ clear ID.
SIO-344. (Bryant – KY, E1, June 13)
DW, via Rampisham, UK, on 9495 at 2040 UTC in Arabic. M & W talking,
not news, woman giggling a lot. DW ID by M. SIO-444, strong. (Bryant –
KY, E1, June 13)
ANO, Moyabi, Gabon, on 9580 at 2047 UTC in French. Steady diet of
Afropop mx, M w/ clear ID between songs. SIO-444, good despite high
noise. (Bryant – KY, E1, June 13)
Family Radio, via Wertachtel, Germany, on 9610 at 2050 UTC in English.
Harold Camping preaching. Amazing how old his voice is suddenly
sounding. SIO-444, good. (Bryant – KY, E1, June 13)
R. Australia, Shepparton, Australia on 11660 at 2055 in English.
Interview between two Aussie-accented M from the beach. SIO-333, co-
channel interference from CRI-Kashi in French audible underneath.
(Bryant – KY, E1, June 13)
R. Africa, Equatorial Guinea, on 15190 at 2105 in English. M with
religious sermon. SIO-354. Audio not nearly as robust as carrier.
(Bryant – KY, E1, June 13)
DW, Kigali, Rwanda, on 15205 at 2112 in English. YL w/ report on
recovery of bodies from French Airbus disaster, ID “DW Radio News from
Bonn.” SIO-454+, strong. (Bryant – KY, E1, June 13)
R. Kuwait, Kuwait, on 15495 at 2119 in Arabic. Two M discussing
Iranian elections. Not listed in latest EiBi, but long-time Kuwait
frequency and clearly // to 9855, tho much weaker. SIO-343. (Bryant –
KY, E1, June 13)
BBC, via Ascension, on 9915 at 2125 in English. M discussing
literature. SIO-444, good, better than usual. (Bryant – KY, E1, June
All "loggings" by our resident dufus, who once claimed: "I'm a college
professor with a PhD" are suspect!
And, as always, don't let your children attend Louisville Technical
Institute. They've hired at least one dufus who once claimed to have a PhD,
and who knows, there may be more dufi there.
Mike, the dufus- Hide quoted text -
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BSKSA, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on 11915 // 11825 at 2150 UTC in Arabic.
Recitations in Holy Quran program. SIO-454+, both strong. (Bryant –
KY, E1, June 13)
V of Russia, Armavir, Russia, on 9895 at 2204 UTC in English. YL w/
news, including report on upcoming Afghanistan election and delay of
launch of shuttle Endeavor, into “News & Views” on N Korean sanctions.
SIO-454, strong. (Bryant – KY, E1, June 13)
V of Turkey, Emirlir, Turkey, on 9830 at 2210 in English. M w/
European news, “VoT” ID. SIO-423, digital (RTTY or hi-speed CW)
directly on top, still pretty understandable. (Bryant – KY, E1, June
R Romania Int'l, Galbeni, Romania, on 7440 at 2225 UTC in English. M
w/ historical report on a Romanian who was responsible for building
several Turkish lighthouses. SIO-343. (Bryant – KY, E1, June 13)
R. Australia, Shepparton, Australia, on 15560 at 2240 UTC in English.
Interview w/ M over phone who's walking across Australia to raise
awareness about arthritis. SIO-444, surprised to hear them coming in
this well! (Bryant – KY, E1, June 13)
RNZI, Rangitaiki, New Zealand, on 15270 at 2245 UTC in English. M w/
promo for upcoming “Hidden Treasures” program. SIO-242, weak. (Bryant
– KY, E1, June 13)
You should be working on that PhD you once claimed to have, dufus!
And, as always, don't let your children attend Louisville Technical
Institute. They've hired at least one dufus who once claimed to have a PhD,
and who knows, there may be more dufi there.