Mike & Steve
I mounted my BC 245 in my pickup this afternoon. Been wanting to do that
for a year so I got it done. While I was there I drained and flushed the
radiator and put "summer coolent" in, nice green.
I'm going to try to change oil tomorrow. We just had about a 4 inch raid
and looks like we have a little storm coming in the next few days.
I'll get some DXing done when I getaroundtoit. I enjoy DXing but it
takes time and I stay so busy I don't know how I ever had time to work.
I get my physcal this week so that will take two days BUT, if like Dec.
I'll be a "Perfect Man". How's you diabetes, trying to stay as close to
120-130 as I can. I lift and cycle all week also. My mouth keeps my sugar