patrick jankowiak wrote:
ham-com 2009 pictures
some old radio stuff there.
Thanks, interesting pictures. I'm not sure that I agree with your comment
about hams not build things ANYMORE. There have always been people who build
and people who buy.
After looking at the prices of some of the parts on the tables outside, I
would understand why no one was interested. Some of the things, like the
CRT's you were selling were cheap enough to buy two and if one breaks or
turns out to be a dud, you still have a spare.
Others looked like the could be cleaned up, mounted on wood and used for a
decoration, but had a very small likelyhood of ever working, sold at NOS
(new, old stock) prices.
Yes, I really could see that from the pictures.
I doubt that anyone would have spent a lot of money on one from an anonymous
"ham" with no way of testing it or being sure he could return it. While you
said you test everything you sell, many vendors do not, and some do, but sell
the duds at hamfests as good quality.
I once saw at a hamfest back when I lived in the US, a relatively new Kenwood
rig sitting at a table for $200. It was sold as "finals blown, unrepairable".
Half an hour later it was at another table as "untested" for $900. It had
obviously sold the first time, and later when I passed by, again.
Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel