On Jun 14, 4:53*pm, "~ RHF" wrote:
On Jun 14, 2:02*pm, "~ RHF" wrote:
On Jun 14, 12:31*pm, dave wrote:
Iranian Presidents/PMs come and go; while...
there is always one Supreme Leader Khamenei.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme...://en.wikipedi...
-aka- Grand Ayatollah Khamenei
Blessed is our own American Supreme Leader
"The Czar-of-Czars" Barack-the-Obama -pbhn-
-aka- the ayatollah of rock-n-rolla ;-} ~ RHF
Dave here is "Why" an Iranian Uprising Can't Happen :
Not much chance of any real uprising with the
Iranian Revolutionary Guards ("IRG") ready to
go into the Streets and maintain O R D E R
within the Islamic Republic.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic...y_Guards_Corps
* The IRGs are backed by the "Basij" and Iran
Volunteer-Based Paramilitary Force
-aka- Islamic People's National Militiahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basij
* The Basij has a quasi-decentralised network
with Branches in almost every Iranian Mosque.
* The Basij include the University Basij, Middle
School Basij; and High School Basij
* The Basij comprises 2,500 Battalions of
300–350 Islamic Warriors each
* All Members of the Basij Battalions are Trained
to use light Arms and Rifles
* The Basij are Active in Monitoring the Activities
of all Iranian Citizens
NOTE the Basij identify and root-out "Westoxication"
Western {non-Islamic} Liberal Secular Ideas.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gharbzadegi
* The Basij Forces generally undertake Security
Checks in Urban Areas setting up Street Inspection
Posts to stop potential Insurgency
* The Basij can Mobilize a Total of One Million Men
* 25% of Basij carry Firearms, usually an AK-47 Rifle
* The Basij is under the Control of the Office
of the Supreme Leader 'not' the President/PMhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Army_of_the_Guardians_of_the_Islamic_Rev...
The Basij is a prototype for Prez Obama's so-called
"Civilian National Security Force" that BHO wants tohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt2yGzHfy7s
build-up in the USA to maintain Order-in-the-Streets
of America; that has funding equal to the US Military.http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/...national_secur...
-aka- Obama's Guardians of Change©http://www.rightpundits.com/?p=2318
* Obama's "Green Shirts" 21st Century Paramilitaryhttp://www.infowars.com/obamas-civilian-national-security-force/
? Who Will Be The Czar of Obama's Green Shirts ?
Watch the 1930s from Brown Shirts transformed into 21st
Century "Green Shirts" in the Age-of-Obama-R-Us©http://michaelsavage.wnd.com/index.p...ew&pageId=4684
Obama "Green Brigades" in all Schools and Collegeshttp://www.wariscrime.com/2008/11/21/news/get-ready-for-the-obama-jug...
Training the Next Generation of Politically Active
Liberal-Fascist "True Believers"http://actdcmetro.wordpress.com/2009/03/15/obama-green-shirts-are-the...
Gunfire from a Pro-Government Militia {IRG & Basij}
Killed One Man and Wounded Several Others . . .
Security Forces watched quietly, with Shields and
Batons at their sides . . .