Odd lightning effect
It was raining heavily. I was sound asleep at about 2AM when there was a
really violent KA-BOOM. It propelled me out of bed and woke me enough to
check the house for lightning damage (none) and to switch my antenna to a
dummy position (yes, I know this does not do much good, especially after the
You know those "gift bags" (looking like a small shoping bag) that play
tunes when a certain spot is squeezed? They usually play "Merry Christmas"
or "Happy Birthday". One of these bags was in the bedroom, and had not been
touched for months. It started playing (without being touched) just after
the KA-BOOM.
A second major KA-BOOM thunder/lightning happened about 10 minutes later.
The bag started playing again. Both times, the bag played a normal cycle of
the tune and then quit.
There was no damage anywhere in the area and my Orion seems OK.
The OT question is what kind of antenna effect (in the gift bag) would
activate it? While it was raining heavily, there was no sense of heavy
humidity in the house. No other electronics were affected, as far as I could