loose glass in meter
On Jun 22, 11:38*am, "Bob Spooner" wrote:
I have a Viking II that the glass in the meter came loose. I'd rather not
disassemble the front panel (since it looks to be a lot of work) to remove
the meter which is behind a RF proof shield, so I'm thinking of just gluing
the glass in a few spots. What would be good for making the glass stick to
the meter case?
73, Bob AD3K
This is a simple but effective solution, also cheap. Go to the
medicine cabinet and
get some dental floss and cut off some small lengths. Slip those
pieces into the
meter glass and holder. Cut a small thin piece of plastic strip and
use it to pust
the floss deeper if you desire. If the color is a problem to you ,
take a soft no. 2
pencil and darken the floss beforehand. Any smears can be easily wiped
with a clean cloth and water. Hope it works. John K4ZYF