loose glass in meter
Thanks for posting the solutions to this. My Viking One is exhibiting
the loose glass syndrome as well. Access is much simpler of course,
due to the complete lack of meter shielding.
In addition to loose glass, the meter face of mine (not the glass) has
sprouted a few dark spots, possibly mold, on the white background on
either side of the "Viking" and below the meter arc increments. I'm
thinking of lightly dabbing those spots with bleach, but I'm concerned
about possible damage to the white background on the scale. Anyone
have any experience with cleaning up the surface of the meter face?
On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 11:38:12 -0400, "Bob Spooner"
I have a Viking II that the glass in the meter came loose. I'd rather not
disassemble the front panel (since it looks to be a lot of work) to remove
the meter which is behind a RF proof shield, so I'm thinking of just gluing
the glass in a few spots. What would be good for making the glass stick to
the meter case?
73, Bob AD3K