pixel_a_ted wrote:
I'm not an amateur radio guy or anything like that. I recently bought
a Kaito KA1103 Worldband Radio, mainly to get better reception of AM
stations. I sometimes like to listen to discussion shows at night and
the local selection is limited. The reviews seemed to indicate that
the radio has good AM discrimination, etc. Well, so far it doesn't
seem to be any better than my little 20 year old Sony Walkman radio.
I've also scanned through the short wave frequencies and found
nothing, but that was not my main reason for getting the radio.
The radio came with an "antenna" that seems to be one big loop of wire
with a plug at one end that goes into the radio and a plastic clip at
the other end. I'm not sure what to do with it and have read somewhat
contradictory advice on the internet. Nothing that I have tried has
resulted in any better reception. I also see somewhat inexpensive loop
antennas advertised.
Any suggestions for improving AM reception would be greatly
First, the external antenna is intended for shortwave, so that's not
going to help.
The reviews I read stated that AM was quite good, better than some
radios that I know are good, but that the AC adapter is quite noisy. If
you are using that, try running just on batteries.
If that doesn't work out for you, locate a GE Superradio or go C Crane
site and get a CC Radio. The CC Radio is the best I've ever used that
has straight AM detection and costs less than $300. Their site is
good luck