On Wed, 17 Jun 2009 08:09:52 -0700 (PDT), Jake
Hey all,
Many years ago (Late 80's) I was given a variety of radio equipment
from a gentleman I knew. He was going to new guinea as a missionary
and gave me a bunch of parts/projects/stuff.
I have identified one of the (transcievers?) as an ARC-5. Also there
I have absolutely no idea as to what they are going for now days.
ARC5's that we used to get for just a couple of bucks if not free are
now (in some areas sought after) There is a museum down in Texas that
is rebuilding old aircraft. They have the only flying B29 in the world
that I know of. Another might be the Experimental Aircraft Association
http://www.eaa.org/ They might know of some rebuilders interested and
give you a tax write off.
Of course there is always E-Bay. do a search on ARC-5 and see what
they are going for on there.
I have no idea as to how many of those I cut up for parts 30 or 40
years ago. I do know that the antique aircraft rebuilders are looking
for them.
73 and good luck,
is at least 2 more of these in parts, maybe more. Also a bunch of
variable capacitors (the air-core metal finned ones) and various tubes
and coils and other random stuff.
This stuff has been sitting in my attic for 20 years, slowly
collecting dust and corrosion. A long time ago, I was going to get my
general class license. I never took the test, and just don't have much
hobby time anymore.
BTW, I wonder if your attic is close to mine (Midland Michigan):-))
Does anyone know if this equipment is worth identifying and posting
somewhere for sale/trade? And if so, where would I find people
interested in this stuff?
Thanks in advance :-D