Use old microwave cabinets?
On Jul 13, 1:02*am, raypsi wrote:
Hey OM:
Microwave ovens are built for a price, the cheaper the better. The
Chinese have a lot of crap out there. Even the fans are junk. I mean
who uses a shaded pole syncro motor for a fan these days, power hungry
junk. Best you could get out of a microwave oven is the metal cabinet
can be cut up with scissors, that's right, dollar store scissors, will
cut the sheet metal they use on microwave ovens. And with a good brake
you can make a lot of project boxes.
Well stainless steel project boxes would look sweet.
73 OM
de n8zu
Yup somebody gave me a stainless four section container which appears
to be unused and from an old fashioned ice-cream parlour/soda
fountain. There is also a single container, same depth and height etc.
And there is a nice rim around the open ends to which a front panel
could fastened!
Immediately thought of ready-made small equipment cabinets!
Scrapping a bunch of old microwaves is what raised the question of a
reuse for the cabinets. We had a school cafeteria operation one time
with three or four m.waves in use for short periods, on several
occasions was able to scrap older ones for parts for repairs. Now just
junk lying around!