WTB OK on here?
On Sun, 19 Jul 2009, MoiInAust wrote:
Before I put up a WTB notice, will some kind member of this group tell me if
buy and sell notices are OK here? If not, where do they suggest?
It's probably a one off.
How often and how recently have you posted about boatanchors here?
This was set up as a discussion newsgroup, with a lot of debate over
whether ads should be allowed. It was 1995, and even then there was
worry that some sites would not carry the newsgroup once it was
created if it carried ads. The ads won out, but it was never intended
as a buy and sell newsgroup, it was meant as a discussion newsgroup where
the people who wanted it felt the buying and selling was an integral
part of it.
Most of those people who felt that way are long gone, or never
even participated.
Hence there really is very little discussion here.
YOu should take that as a hint. If there's no discussion here, then
why in the world would you think it's a viable place to sell things?
if nobody is reading the newsgroup, because there isn't any on-topic
discussion, then why would placing an ad here be more viable than
in the real buy and sell newsgroup, rec.radio.swap? Or a local
buy and sell newsgroup, that may not have many interested in old
radios but would have locals that you wouldn't have to ship to?
Or Ebay, that is set up for buying and selling, and surely reaches
a lot more people than those who still read this newsgroup. On
the other hand, anyone still reading this newsgroup undoubtedly
aware of ebay.
If you want to sell something, then at least do your part to
lure people here by participating in the discussion of old amateur
radio equipment (not computers, not audio, not guns, not 1970's solid
state ham gear, and certainly not anything more recent than the
seventies). Because if you don't do it, you'll merely be trying to
leech off the discussion, with the joke being that there isn't enough
discussion to lure people here to see your ads.
Michael VE2BVW