"MoiInAust" wrote in message
Before I put up a WTB notice, will some kind member of
this group tell me if buy and sell notices are OK here? If
not, where do they suggest?
It's probably a one off.
This groups will have a charter somewhere that states
the policy on advertising set down when it was created. I
searched but could not find the charter but someone else
with more time probably can.
In general Usenet groups frown on advertising but some
advertising is permissible or even encouraged, especially
where it is helpful to the community using the newsgroup.
I am not a long time user of this group and can't
pretend to know what its policies are but I do see some
advertising here. I should think that WTB is allowable
especially if someone is looking for parts for something.
I've done that myself and had considerable help.
A good source of information about Usenet can be found
This also has links to other sites with even more
A Google search will find even more.
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles