ChrisCoaster wrote:
Acc to , I should be able to
pick up time signals at at least SOME of those shortwave frequencies.
Since 2002, they have become harder & harder to pick up. Are they
being replaced by the internet??
Many of the time signals of years past are long gone, though the list you
cited seems to be fairly up to date.
I was very interested in time signal stations in years past and believe I have
27-28 of them QSL'd (veried, for those in Glendale).
Drake R7, R8, R8A and R8B
70' and 200' wires
239 countries heard and 224 QSL'd (veried for those in Glendale) using the
NASWA Country List.
And, as always, don't let your children attend the Sullivan College of
Technology & Design.
They've hired at least one dufus who once claimed to have a PhD, and who
knows, there may be more dufi there.