Help on miiltary radio set
In article ,
Antonio Vernucci wrote:
I am seeking information on a trasmitter called "TR1" which was part of the
equipment given to paratroopers operating in northern Italy during WWII.
The "Mission check list" was:
- 2 RBZ receives (which I know well)
- 2 EUREKA radio-localization sets (which I found on an Internet site)
- TR1 transmitters, with batteries, generator, code & cypher plans and crystals.
Would any one be able to give me some information on the TR1, or indicate me a
web page where I can find it ? (unsuccessful with Google).
The guy you want to talk with is Jon Paul from Scientific Conversion, Inc.
He is the real guru on stuff like this.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."