Ian Jackson wrote:
On 20m, 100 miles is a bit close. You're unlikely to get reliable
communication at less than 250 or 300 miles. Groundwave is even less
than 40 - maybe only 5 miles.
I think you might be better off getting a CB. If only because when you need
help, you are much more likely to find someone nearby with the ability to
reach you or summon help.
If you want reliable communication over that terrain and distance, you
need a satellite phone. Every else ranges from "will never work" to
"probably will work most of the time", but not "will always work".
Of course the big question is why? Are you looking for help if you need it?
Are you just looking for a way "phone home"? Do you expect to have your
employer/customers call you for support?
Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel