In article , dave
Now that Walter Cronkite has passed on, who is America's most trusted
There isn't any. Walter Cronkite was a journalist first, a member of that
"Greatest Generation", and one whose skills were honed by his having been
around and up close to most of the significant events of the last
century. Cut from the same mold as Ed Murrow. I remember him being asked
in an interview a few years ago what he thought of many of today's major
network news anchors and he referred to them as "news readers" rather than
broadcast journalists or reporters.
Just put a pretty face on camera and have them read prepared copy from a
TelePrompter. (Oh yeah, and make sure they make frequent use of the the
word "literally".)
I'm not being fair. I'm not sure about the "trust" factor but I think
there's no one better out there right now than CNN's Christiane Amanpour.
(Before that I would have said CNN's Bernard Shaw but he's long gone.)
And CBS' Mike Wallace, Dan Rather and Charles Kuralt were pretty good IMO
in their prime. And that's my baby-boomer's .02 worth. Sincerely,
John Wood (Code 5550) e-mail:
Naval Research Laboratory
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Washington, DC 20375-5337