On Jul 28, 2:21*pm, "~ RHF" wrote:
On Jul 28, 7:14*am, " wrote: On Jul 28, 1:12*am, "Brenda Ann" wrote: What in the hell is a "birthers"???
Those deluded few who actually believe that the president is not a US
citizen, despite proof to the contrary.
I don't care for a lot of what he's doing, but there is no doubt in my mind
whatsoever that he is a citizen. My birth certificate (which ALSO says
"Certificate of Live Birth", and is from California, looks very much like
the one that he has made available.-
- The birthers are stupid and ignorant. *According to the 1952
- Immigration and Nationality Act, Barack Obama also qualifies as a
- citizen of the United States because one of his parents, his mother,
- was an American citizen at the time of his birth.
J Feng - Oh You So . . .
Super-Liberal-Smart -versus- 'stupid and ignorant'
READ - Article Two of the United States Constitution
Legal # 1 : "Natural Born" US Citizen
Legal # 2 : Age 35 Years Oldhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_Two_of_the_United_States_Constit...
? What is a "Natural Born" Citizen of the United States ?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_born_citizen
? What is a "Natural Born" Citizen ?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native-born_citizen
* JUS SOLI Soli -wrt- Birthright Citizenshiphttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jus_soli
Why US President Barack 'Hussein' Obama
"IS" Legally Legally My Presidenthttp://groups.google.com/group/rec.radio..shortwave/msg/c6316c12b599a912
just a plain old 'organic' citizen or the world ~ RHF
Blessed by God with Life and Progressive by Nature thru Living ~ RHF
[Just an Old Retired Blue Collar Union Member - Dosvedanya Tovarisch]
Show me some witnesses that can place the virgin Ann in Honolulu
between the time she was pregnant until Barry was one year old. Funny
how there are NO witnesses isn't it?