On Jul 31, 6:30*pm, Iarnrod wrote:
On Jul 31, 1:51*pm, "~ RHF" wrote:
On Jul 31, 9:36*am, Iarnrod wrote:
On Jul 31, 1:05*am, "~ RHF" wrote:
On Jul 30, 10:20*am, Mike wrote:
On Jul 30, 10:22*am, wrote:
Some people were born in Airplanes over foreign countries or
international waters.If their parents were Americans, they are natural
born citizens of America.
- So, if Obama's mother was a US citizen,
- why do you keep posting links to sources
- suggesting Obama is not a bona fide US citizen?
- Consistency must not mean much in Mississippi.
- Mike
- Louisville, KY
MWB - cause, Cause. CAUSE ! Mister Almost PhD
That is NOT the Legal' {Constitutional} Requirement
TO-BE -or- Not-To-Be the US President : As any High
School Graduate should know --- Counting 1-2-3-...
* Natural Born" US Citzen is the Correct Answerhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_Two_of_the_United_States_Constit...
=PS= You Lose Again - wacky, Wacko. WOO WOO !
Read my latest one paragraph Book
"US Presidential Qualifications For Over-Educated
{Liberal} Dummies"http://www.presidentsusa.net/qualifications.html
MWB - Not Your Moma, Not My Moma
and Not even Obama's Moma
-simply- Jus Soli {Natural Born}http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jus_soli
=NOT= Jus Sanguinis {By-Blood -via- Parents}http://en.wikipedia..org/wiki/Jus_sanguinis
- So you believe McCain was not eligible?
Who is "LarnRod?"
Just the opposite as I have written.
John McCain was/is "Jus Soli" {Natural Born}http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jus_soli
Nope, he was born in Panama. Didn't ya know?
NOTE - McCain was born in Panama, a court suit
was filed against McCain because of it. The Federal
Judge Ruled that McCain IS a "Natural Born" US Citizen,
By-Birth, since both Parents are American Citizens
and his Father was on ACTIVE Duty in the US Military
and Stationed in Panama.
The judge did not rule any such thing, you ****in' liar. That question
was NOT put before the judge, and the ruling never touched on it.
Plus JSM was born On-Base
in a US Military Hospital with by Treaty was US Territory
at the Time.
That's a lie. First, it's unclear whetther he was born on the base or
in Colon, but regardless, a militreay base in a foreign country IS NOT
US SOIL, you stupid dip****.
*So it is a non-issue.
It is a BIG issue because Congress RETROACTIVELY in 1937 made McCain
and other CZ birthed babies US citizens. This means a legal argument
can be made that he was NOT a natural born citizen AT THE MOMENT OF
You're a moron.
LarnRod - "you ****in' liar" {Obama-SpeakŠ}
LarnRod - "LEARN TO READ" {Obama-SpeakŠ}
LarnRod - "That's a lie" {Obama-SpeakŠ}
LarnRod - "you stupid dip****" {Obama-SpeakŠ}
LarnRod - "You're a moron" {Obama-SpeakŠ}
Prez Obama -himself- "Stupid Cop"* {Obama-SpeakingŠ}
* Note -wrt- White Cops and White Racism in the USofA
- - - = = = RHF's Canned Reply 'Rant' = = = - - -
[: To Liberal-Fascist {Democrat} Name Calling :]
ROTFL - You Know When You Are Winning An Argument :
When a Super-Smart 'Enlightened" Liberal Starts Name Calling*.
* They Lose Their Ability To Think And Get Emotional - rotfl ~ RHF