On Aug 3, 2:52*am, nurk_fred2000 wrote:
All would be as is, quiet and normal here at rec.radio. knives, sct
had loud mouth Phd dipstick kept his big fat mouth shut and merely
"I accept your invitation to the Kombat Bangkok Arrest Anniversary
Bash on the 8th" OR simply declined and said "Thanks but No
Thanks"...OR simply said nothing...but...
Low and behold ol big mouth Professor has to chime in and pour
gasoline all over himself himself while he's in the very state of
human combustion and flaming everyone on board, including the
Distinguished Trolls...you already stuck your big fat smelly foot in
your own mouth with that alleged Bong Party with a bunch of co-eds
preceded by a bull sh%t session regarding a your PHd which by the by
turned out to be totally bogus...wonder how many fraud phd's they have
on campus...?...
No, thank you,