Hi, Tim
Sorry, I used Rapidshare because I am already
a member there. I thought free users only have to wait 15 min
between downloads, not limited to one download per day as you say.
(You may need to refresh your browser after attempting
the second Rapidshare download, in order to see the "count down" clock.)
To work around this problem, I have now combined the articles
into one large zip file, for ease of download:
I didn't combine the files in my first posting because most people
feel safer downloading pdf files rather than zip files.
Tim wrote:
Why did you post this on rapidshare? Unless you are a member,
downloads are restricted to one per day.
On Aug 2, 11:51 am, Edward Knobloch wrote:
I posted some 73 Magazine articles on A.M. linears
for the Heath Sixer and Twoer by K1CLL, snip