Only the old survive...
On Aug 6, 4:00*pm, (Edmund H. Ramm) wrote:
In "COLIN LAMB" writes:
I think the hand crank would be the option.
* *What about a governor-controlled Diesel engine driving an ac generator?
* *73, Eddi ._._.
* * * e-mail: dk3uz AT arrl DOT net *| *AMPRNET:
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* * * * * * * *Linux/m68k, the best U**x ever to hit an Atari!
The fuel coming from?
I think Colin has the idea! Use one of the WWII British steam radios
that were used in the south-west Pacific. They were 'powered' by the
camp fire.
Am I correct in thinking that the sets intended to be 'crank powered'
used mostly direct heated [battery] tubes and those fast heating
direct power tubes that looked like a metal 6L6? One would think that
the design would minimize the waste power, simply because of the
limited output of the [human] power source.
Neil S.