A Plea to Brian Anasta from his son Josh.
G'day Guys,
I really hope I have found the correct newsgroup here, if not, my
apologies. Assuming I have found the correct location, I am just here
to explain a few things regarding Dad.
You guys don't know me, but I think you know Dad, or Brian Anasta to
many of you. From what my Mum and I know, Dad used to frequent this
newsgroup quite regularly, and according to many conversations with
Father, made quite a few acquaintances here also. I though it only
right that I come here to let you know what has happened to Dad, as
well as explain a few things which I think are important.
Dad, as you may be aware, is approaching 61 years of age, and for the
past 9 or so months, has been experiencing the early signs of
dementia. Oh don't get me wrong, he is still very active and still
all his faculties about him and is more often than not as sharp as a
tack. Occasionally, though, he is prone to live in somewhat of a
'fantasy world', and Mum and I both try to keep a close eye on him to
make sure he doesn't get up to any mischief.
Well to cut a long story short, a month or so ago, Dad decided he
wanted to visit Thailand, as he has always held a fascination for
South-east Asia, and Thailand in particular. Well even though Mum and
I were against him going by himself, he was very insistent, and in
end, we had no choice but to see him go for his short holiday. It was
only when he arrived home that the trouble started. Dad became very
withdrawn and distant, not only towards his friends and colleagues,
but also towards Mum, his wife of over 30 years. Instead of going to
work, Dad would spend hours sitting at the computer, and at various
times during the day, would go into town "to run some errands"
according to him. It is almost like since he got back from Thailand,
that he changed from the loving man we grew up with, to someone who
seemed to have other things on his mind. he no longer wants to spend
any time with the family, or Mum in particular, and it's breaking her
heart, as well as mine and my Sister's, to see the family being torn
apart for no apparent reason.
As a last resort, and at the wishes of my Mother, I have come here to
try and find some answers. I absolutely hate myself for going behind
Dad's back, but I can no longer see my Mum being mentally tortured
way she currently is. The only way I found out about this particular
newsgroup was because Dad often mentioned he came here to get
information about birdwatching activities in Thailand.
Thanks everyone and Mum and I would be really grateful for any
Josh Anasta