On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 18:09:16 GMT "Michael A. Terrell"
David Forsyth wrote:
Double Cotton-Covered ("D.C.C.") Do they still make this stuff? I would
like to obtain some for winding RF coils for homebrew radio receivers.
Anybody know of a supplier or maybe have some on hand?
Both belden and Alpha made it
How sure are you of this? I don't recall seeing it in the Belden
catalog, and when I built a Tesla coil in the 50s a Belden engineer
helped me (Belden is still located in the town where I grew up, a
GREAT field trip, BTW.) The instructions we were following called for
DCC magnet wire, but we couldn't buy any even then. The Belden
engineer even inquired to see if their prototype shop could whip up a
batch just for us, but they didn't have any way to do it by then.
I suspect that it's been 50 years since anyone in the US has made SCC,
DCC, SSC, or DSC wire.
Everyone remember those?
Jim Adney
Madison, WI 53711 USA