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Old November 2nd 03, 11:49 PM
John Bartley
Posts: n/a

--exray-- wrote:

I'd go with the plain wire unless there is a noise problem that is being
picked up by the vertical portion of the antenna.

Being a smarter than average bear (my own opinion of course :~) I
figured I'd use coax to bring my long wire antenna into the house, and
I'd ground the shield.

Didn't work very well.

Now I'm just using plain wires for each of the antenna and ground and it
works very well. I'd say that my antenna outside the house is about
10-15' off the ground and runs for about 100' in a 50' x 50' "L" shape.

regards from ::
John Bartley
43 Norway Spruce Street
Stittsville, Ontario
Canada, K2S1P5
( If you slow down it takes longer - does that apply to life also?)

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