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Old November 5th 03, 07:21 AM
Avery Fineman
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In article , "Joel Kolstad"

Bill Meara wrote:
This gets to the question of whether DC receivers can be used to copy
DSB and SSB:
By Goodman, W1DX, explained the problem in the 1965 edition of
"Single Sideband for the Radio
Amateur" (page 11): "Unfortunately, if both sidebands are received at
the detector where the carrier is
introduced, the carrier has to have exactly the correct phase
relationship with the sidebands if distortion is
to be avoided. Since exact phase relationship precludes even the
slightest frequency error, such a system
is workable only with very complicated receiving techniques.

In 1965 I can imagine that a Costas loop, two mixers, etc. was considered
'very complicated.' It doesn't seem all that horribly fancy by today's
standards, however. But of course it's not like I've actually _built_ such
a thing yet! :-)

Most of you guys are knocking yourself out on what is little more than
an "intellectual experiment." Get a receiver and do a practical
experiment. An old receiver with a "BFO" isn't "sophisticated" and
will receive DSB and SSB just dandy, very "workable" if the LO is
warmed up and stable and the fine-tuning ("bandspread") can zero-
beat where the carrier is (or was). Do the same thing with a newer
receiver that has a "product detector" (nothing more than a mixer,
the same as what a DC receiver front end has but at IF, not HF).
Very "workable" and done all over in everyday HF comm, both ham
and maritime radio. Been done for decades.

The only "distortion" comes from not being able to set the tuning
precisely without some AFC. With AM and a "product detector"
(or BFO on), there's the carrier beat, strong, and won't go away
unless there's a terrific lowpass audio filter in there. If using a more
modern, basically-SSB receiver, it probably has a "RIT" or Receiver
Incremental Tuning that allows making the carrier beat almost to
DC. That's a frequency distortion still and manual tweaking can't
get the low-frequency, absolutely non-phase (or rapidly changing
phase) all the way out.

Can one get separated sidebands on AM DSB with a DC receiver?
Absolutely! No problem with a manual tuning DC receiver that has
TWO audio networks out of the mixer. A stereo-like effect (amazing
to hear for the first time) with lower SB = left ear, upper SB = right
ear is possible, even if the tuning doesn't hit right on carrier zero
beat. The "phase distortion" manifests itself solely in the amount of
rejection of the unwanted side of tuning...too great a phase from ideal
results in poor unwanted side rejection...very close phase and the
the rejection of unwanted side is best.

if only one sideband is present at
the detector, there is no need for an exact phase relationship and
there can be some frequency error
without destroying intelligibility. " Modern SSB transcievers send
only one of the sidebands to the
detector, so this distortion problem only occurs when receiving a DSB
signal on a receiver that sends both
sidebands to the detector.

Pfui. The old receivers with BFOs could "work" SSB. Problem is,
those old receivers were so finicky and unstable, had such wide
final bandwidths that those faults predominated. I have a nice
1948 National NC-57 gathering dust as proof of that. :-)

It's ironic that DSB, which came about due to the ease of detection with
diode (envelope detectors) turns out to be somewhat challenging to recover
with a more sophisticated synchronous detection scheme.

Nooo...AM "came about" with absurdly SIMPLE components first,
not even using any vacuum tubes! Case in point: Reginald
Fessenden's famous Christmas Eve, 1906, voice transmission from
Brant Rock, MA. Used a rotary alternator LF generator with a special
(probably carbon) microphone in series with the antenna lead. The
few who heard it along the east coast used galena crystal (the first
point-contact diode?) or "coherer" or "liquid barreter" detectors.
Technologically primitive by today's standards.

The existance of two sidebands in AM wasn't known for sure
until the first Johnny Carson (John R. Carson, AT&T) published his
modulation equations to show the presence of identical-information
sidebands. Few labs had the equivalent of spectrum analyzers and
vacuum tubes were still rare in the 1915-1922 era. "Detectors" of
that early time were still the simple "rectifying" types...a regenerative
detector still does "rectifying" (averaging of amplified signal input) to
recover the modulation audio.

Long-distance telephony was the birthplace of SSB. Frequency
multiplexing was the only practical way to cram four telephone
circuits on a single pair of wires running many miles way back when.
Frequency multiplexing uses SSB techniques. When RF amplifiers
using tubes got going, the first SSB was four-voice-channel long-lines
"carrier" frequency multiplexed modulation with radio replacing the
wire pairs. Those applications needed AFC for unattended operation.

If you want synchronous detection of AM DSB, then you concentrate
on getting a carrier reinsertion oscillator locked to the received
carrier. Primary object is to get that lock. Worry about "phase
differences due to distortion" in intellectual experiments. Lock
guarantees that the synchronous detection will hold. There won't be
any noticeable recovered audio distortion EXCEPT from unusual
selective fading propagation on very long-distance radio circuits; you
can hear that over old receivers with "rectifying" detectors.

Can you get a synchronous detection of AM SSB? Difficult unless
the transmitter at the other end has sloppy carrier suppression. The
commercial HF SSB stuff uses "pilot carriers" and the like to provide
an AFC lock...deliberate steady tones at unused sideband

Experimental Methods in RF Design points out that direct conversion
receivers have become highly popular in the past couple of decades... this
seems somewhat surprising; I would have guessed people back in the, e.g.,
'60s, would have gone to great lengths to avoid image reject filters and
long IF chains.

DC receivers (also called "Zero-IF") came into popularity in Europe
THREE decades ago. RSGB's Radio Communication magazines of
1973 were showing stuff in Pat Hawker's monthly column. I got
interested in the Mike Gingell polyphase R-C network by seeing it
first in there. The UK ham who was experimenting with it was Peter
Martinez, G3PLX. Hams of today will know him as the innovator of

To get good sensitivity with DC receivers you need ultra-low-noise
mixers and following audio stages. Since the input side selectivity
is poor (compared to IF xtal filters), those mixers need a terrifically
high intermodulation specification which precludes low-noise
operation. The Tayloe Mixer handles both superbly, the "mixer"
being a CMOS switch IC with very low conversion loss as a mixer
(all other passive mixers have at least 6 db loss). The CMOS switch
IC has very low internal noise. Absolutely the best of both worlds.

In order to achieve selectivity and unwanted frequency side rejection
the Tayloe Mixer system needs a basic LO at four times the carrier
frequency to get wideband phase quadrature using digital devices.
The In-phase and quadrature mixer output is in the audio range.

It seems to me that a modification of the Tayloe circuit would suit a
synchronous detector application. How to go about it is another
matter. Planning for THAT can start with an "intellectual experiment"
but trying to implement it requires bench experimentation. There
won't be any "distortion due to phase" once carrier lock has been
achieved. Carrier lock methods have to concentrate on the narrow
frequency region (tolerance of tuning offset) of the carrier. In practical
reception the carrier of AM DSB is relatively constant (within a 20 db
spread of amplitude if some AGC exists elsewhere).

Once the carrier is locked, the remainder of the detection process
(recovering modulation audio) is straightforward. Any "phase
distortion" is due to phasing network errors...which can be checked
and trimmed independently prior to applying them.

Go for it! :-)

Len Anderson
retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person