Newbie digital modes question
I've been licensed since 1958 but have been off the air for last 15
years or so, except for occasional 2-meter FM contacts and an
occasional foray back into 40 CW.
I'm baffled by the proliferation of digital modes and digital devices.
As I understand it:
1. Computers have sound cards that accept audio input and create
audio outpout. The sound cards accept digital or analog audio input
and create digitial audio output.
2. I can connect the audio output of my rig to the input of a
computer sound card, and, connect the mic input and PTT lines of my
rig to the output of the computer sound card. The connection is made
through a box of some kind (RigBlaster, SignaLink, etc.).
3. Then, with various software -- freeware, shareware, or commercial
applications -- my computer will read the digital signal from my rig
and will transmit a digital signal through my rig.
4. This, then, is basically how PSK-31 and other digital modes work.
5. So -- I need:
-- computer with sound card (have that);
-- rig with accessory socket (have that, old ICOM IC-729);
-- something to connect the computer to the rig (RigBlaster,
SignaLink, etc.)
-- appropriate cables from the SignaLink (or whatever) to the rig;
-- software.
Is that about the size of it?
Can I send and receive CW using the same process and equipment, with
the appropriate software?