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Old November 6th 03, 04:52 AM
Posts: n/a

Pretty simple if the board you are putting it on is well solder masked.

Run down to Staples and get a package of Tac 'n Stik. Pity, that package is
2 oz and you'll need about a milligram. The two buck package will last you
about ten lifetimes.

OK, now take a really tiny little ball of the stuff - less than a millimeter
in diameter - and stick it on the circuit board right where the part goes.
Squish the part down onto the blue stuff. The blue stuff won't hold it all
that well, so you need to be a little careful, but you do gotta squish it

With your magnifier and an x-acto knife or dentist's pick, gently nudge the
part around until all the pins are lined up on their pads. This is the
hardest part -- be patient.

Timidly solder one corner pin. Take your magnifying glass and recheck all
the pins. Move the part back so it's lined up again.

Solder the opposite corner - this is the moment of truth. Take your
magnifier, and again check all the pins. Check them very carefully now,
there is no turning back.

Take your soldering iron and run a big blob of solder across each row of
pins. Be sure to give plenty of time for the first row to cool before you
do the second. If you have a part with a bazillion pins, you may want to do
a section at a time to avoid overheating the part. For something like an
AD9850 with only a couple dozen pins, this isn't necessary.

Now take your solder wick and suck all the solder out. You need good quality
solder wick for this operation. The cheap stuff seems to need a ton of
heat. Take your magnifier yet again and carefully inspect each pin. (Needs
to be a GOOD magnifier). You should have no little hairs of solder between
the pins, and a thin film of solder under each pin.

Solder paste is probably better, but it's breathtakingly expensive and has a
very short shelf life. Plus, you gotta use a heat gun which will heat a
large section of the board, potentially removing other stuff you already

This takes a lot longer to describe than to actually do.


"Tom Kreyche" wrote in message
I can't avoid it anymore! I have an IC in SSOP package that I want to use.
Does anyone have tips on how to do it or maybe this is on a FAQ someplace.

thanks, Tom