Spherical radiation pattern
On Sep 11, 2:37*pm, Art Unwin wrote:
On Sep 11, 1:04*pm, "Dave" wrote:
"Art Unwin" wrote in message
There has been some "talk" that the spherical radiation pattern shown
via Poynting's vector is impossible or just a theoretical thing. There
are many things that point to this such as point radiatiion as well as
not being a realistic concept. I offer the following as an opposite
aproach for the news group.
of course you will... that doesn't make it right, or even logical.
First, I rely on the basic radiator as being in equilibrium which
naturally points to a full wave length or reference to one period.
only in your brain since none of us understand your constantly changing
explanation of what equilibrium is.
Secondly, I point to a radiator as being the circuit of a tank circuit
which is essentially perpetual motion if one removes the frictional
ah, perpetual motion, now we are getting somewhere!
Thus the approach by Maxwell is the ultimate point of maximum
efficiency where all forces are accounted for and ALL contribute to
maxwell's equations have nothing about gravity, the weak force, or the
strong force, or efficiency included in them...
From the above it is natural that a radiator is tipped to equal the
outside vectors of the arbitrary boundary which are gravity and the
Coriolis effect.
the Coriolis effect is not a vector nor a force, it is a method of
explaining what someone on a rotating sphere thinks they see... purely a
figment of your imagination.
We then have to allow the radiator to have near zero resistiveness
such that all input power is used solely for radiation ( super cooled
I suppose)
From this approach we can state that, in the limit of zero resistance
all power is converted into radiation!
this one statement may contain some small smidgen of reality... you are
slipping art!
Thus if we have a radiator of one WL
that is tipped in space and of near zero resistance in the impedance
metric we will then attain a spherical radiation pattern as with
Poynting's vector and thus a demonstration of point radiation together
with *further evidence that radiation is of a particle and not one of
nope, sorry, still won't work. *it will still have the distorted doughnut
By the way, since the phenomina of radiation is created solely by the
electo-magnetic and electro-static fields per the tank circuit it
becomes very clear that radiation is not continuous but in "packets or
"pulses" because of the momentary stop as shown at the center of a
sine wave.
you have been listening to that other kook too much and have picked up his
signature pulses... next you'll be talking about speakers and pressure wave
interference to explain your equilibrium.
When I get back I look forward with interest how the group tries to
counter above with presently known facts or the common retreat to
insults or just rest comfortably assured that the prior postings
explain all.
See you all later and have a great week end
insults are so much more fun than trying to educate the insane!
That appears to be true. However I have always used Bernollis
experiments with liquid as being synonamous with current flow. So to
mention Bernolles findings to the question of Eddy flow appears to me
to have some merit., Introduction of pressure in both liquids,
current flow and air flow I would consider having some merit.
I once mentioned the similarity of a mechanical pump which is designed
around Bernollies experiments producing the same deflections that we
see with changing cross sections
of electrical conductors, which then must produce cavitation and thus
eddy curwrents.
Roy instantly pushed me aside on that one saying the functions are
different which immediately declares the Standard forces theory as
nonsense. ( Sorry about that Einstein)
Gotta go. Excuse me plse
Forgot to mention.
Current would not be applied to the radiator itself but only to the
of homogenous particles at rest.( ie neutrinos who are part of the
family of Leptons but still remain as particles) This way with
opposing forces in shear which includes the bending moment or twist
of the Standard Force, the chemical adhesion is broken and the
particle is elevated to achieve a straight line projection with spin.
In this event all electrical laws lie
intact and where the resistance is solely of that of radiation to
which current is applied.