On Sep 11, 3:26*am, "~ RHF" wrote:
On Sep 1, 2:54*am, "~ RHF" wrote: On Aug 31, 5:07*pm, "~ RHF" wrote:
- - Obama-Tax-Slavery© !
- - Creating a Culture of Joblessness, Dependency
- - and Controlling Your Every Day Life
- - Plus Taxing Every Day You Live :
- - That's Obama-Tax-Slavery© !
- -http://groups.google.com/group/rec.radio.shortwave/msg/
- - *.
- Go Green Recycle Congress !
- Truth Be Told . . .
- *.
The US Congress under the Leadership of
Pelosi [D-CA] & Reid [D-NV] : S U C K S !
US Congressional Job Approval - RCP Average
MOST [2/3] DISAPPROVE = 62.0 %
Fewer Approve = 28.8 %
Negative Spread = -33.2 %http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epo...onal_job_appro...
Go Green Recycle Congress !
Say no, No. NO ! to Nancy Pelosi's Obama-Care©http://groups.google.com/group/rec.r...83ba6a546c14eb
Go Green Recycle Congress !
Say no, No. NO ! to Harry Reid's Obama-Care©http://groups.google.com/group/rec.r...b864940a355429
Reality Check both Nancy Pelosi [D-CA]
and Harry Reid [D-NV] are Heading the
US Congress and taking the Nation in the
Wrong Direction with Obama-Care©
Direction of Country - RCP Average
Right Direction = 35.8 %
Negative Spread = -22.6 %http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epo..._of_country-90...
Looks like 6-out-of-10 American Voters 'think'
the USA is on the Wrong Track due to the
US Congress and it's Democrat Leadership
of Nancy Pelosi [D-CA House] and Harry
Reid [D-NV Senate]
While most Americans [US Citizens] still
have a 'nice thought' for Prez Obama
President Obama Job Approval - RCP Average
Approve = 52.1 % {Still 'Like' BHO}
Disapprove = 43.4 %
Positive Spread = +8.7 %http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epo..._obama_job_app...
- The Message is still the same
- Go Green Recycle Congress ! ~ RHF
- * Throw {Vote} Da Bums Out ! ;-{
- *.
Go Green Recycle Congress ! - Say 'No' to Obama-Nomics©
1 - Excessive Across-the-Board Big Government Spending
2 - Mega Taxes on the Incomes of Every Working American
3 - Higher Big Government Fees on Daily Family Living
Seven out of Ten Americans Lack Confidence in the
US Federal Government's Handling of the Economy
{Fear Obama-Nomics© : Excessive Spending and Mega Taxes}
* Even more 80 Percent Rate the Condition of the
US Economy as Poor and Blame Congress fearing
that the Economy will get even Worse with More
Federal Spending and Higher US Taxes.
* Half of those surveyed said Deficit Reduction {Less
Spending} should be the 1st National Priority over
increased spending on an Obama-Care© Big
Government Health System {Blame Congress}