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Old November 22nd 03, 07:32 PM
Dee D. Flint
Posts: n/a

"Bob Miller" wrote in message
On Fri, 21 Nov 2003 16:19:09 GMT, "res08z36"

I could use some help in setting up a HF antenna and another antenna to

VHF. I live in a condo that doesn't allow outside antennas at all, so

trying to set something up in my garage...maybe set up in the rafters

the car.

I have a set of Iron Horse HF antenna sticks for the HF radio and a

X50 for the VHF/UHF radio. The problem is I can't get either to work.

suspect it is because there is no ground going to the antennas. They

mounted on a antenna mast that is sitting on the concrete slap of the

Get some wire, and cut some radials that you attach to the ground side
of the antenna (coax braid side). Lay the radials on the concrete. You
may have to adjust their length to get a low swr. Basically, you're
setting up a ground plane antenna, with the Iron Horse doo-dad as the
vertical element, and some homebrew radials for the ground plane. I'd
try 4 radials per band.

Another idea would be to string up, in and around your property, a
crooked dipole of nearly invisible wire -- I believe the Wireman has
#26 wire at his web site -- use little plastic buttons for insulators,
and feed it with that clear-colored 300 ohm line from Radio Shack, to
a little antenna tuner. That might do ya a lot better than trying to
cram a vertical into your garage.


Does anyone have some ideas of what I can do? Is there a different
antenna that I should consider that would solve this problem (of not

a real ground...just a cement floor)?


There are several antennas that do not require a ground. Try a half wave
dipole mounted vertically. Or you can try a 1/2 wave vertical. This latter
will require some inductance and/or capacitance to get the feed point
impedance down to 50 ohms but no ground plane is required. Another antenna
that does not require a ground plane is the discone. I used the Radio Shack
one quite successfully and it will work on both 2 meters and 440mhz bands
with no tuner.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE