high power 4:1 balun
On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 14:44:39 -0700, Jim Lux
And, of course, not all baluns are made with appropriate materials (e.g.
using a lossy EMI suppression mix might be fine in a "choke"
application, where high Z is keeping the current low.. but terrible in a
transformer type situation, where you have a lot of flux in the core)
Hi Jim,
A BalUn IS a transformer, and many of the lowest loss, widest
bandwidth ones are specifically designed to choke common mode
Such BalUns are NOT flux linked transformers and thus avoid working
(transverse) currents inducing loss and saturation issues.
It appears that the inference from your flux transformer terminology
transformer type situation, where you have a lot of flux in the core)
is at cross purposes with BalUn best design.
Richard Clark, KB7QHC