On Sun, 27 Sep 2009 23:02:55 +0100, "christofire"
"Jeff Liebermann" wrote in message
.. .
On Sun, 27 Sep 2009 07:40:49 -0700 (PDT), ams wrote:
Here's one person's opinion:
Amazon.com: http://xrl.us/BestAntennaBooks
The list is by Alexander Shimansky UR5SAS.
I totalled the Amazon prices. $801.74. Amateur antenna design is
becoming a rich mans hobby. However, there is hope. When I look
under the "buying options" buttons, there are cheaper editions
available. I only have 3 of the 10 books listed. Sniff.
And I expect you're aware there's a thriving market in second-hand books via
companies such as Alibris,
Actually, I was not aware. If I needed a (used) book, I just ordered
it via Amazon. I haven't bought any paper books in several years
(bookshelf is full).
I wish you hadn't done that. I just ordered a copy of Kraus (2nd
edition) for $25 and a 2nd copy of the ARRL Antenna Book for $19
(because it always seems to be out on loan). Sigh. I need to
practice resisting temptation. Internet shopping is far too easy.
Jeff Liebermann
150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558