On Sep 30, 5:36*pm, N∅ ∅baMa∅
New Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski
could have used a few more dollops of genuine humility in his Monday
speech advocating enforceable “network neutrality” rules for the
Internet. Despite declaring “we cannot know what tomorrow holds on the
Internet,” he showed he intends to lead the FCC as if it were all-
knowing. That will only end up choking the greatest engine of
innovation in modern times.
Genachowski laid out his plans in a highly anticipated speech at the
Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. The mostly voluntary concept
of net neutrality — which encourages the free flow of content across
the Internet — would be transformed into formal rules Internet service
providers (ISPs) would violate at their peril.
Instead of managing traffic in response to market forces, ISPs would
be forced to cede such decisions to the FCC, which would decide which
practices are “fair” and “reasonable” on a “case-by-case basis.” But
it would be foolish to replace the swift judgment of millions of
consumers with the dictates of a handful of slow-footed, uninformed,
unaccountable bureaucrats.
I found "Air America" t be quite boring with their logic and facts, so
I stopped listening to them well before bthey went under..
Yes, we need more like Beck, Savage and Rush.
Bring back the days of "Laugh-In"