On Oct 1, 8:16*am, dxAce wrote:
Bushcraftgregg wrote:
On Oct 1, 7:55 am, dxAce wrote:
Gregg wrote:
I've been trying for the last twenty minutes
to identify this but I can't find it in my notes or at
Can someone give me a hand? Great music, and I know I've heard it a
times but it's esacping me right now...damn it. Almost embarrasing
that I can't think of it or don't have it handy in my notes from the
last six months. :-I
QTH; Cincinnati, Ohio
'Firedrake'. Chinese jammer against Sound of Hope.
Good deal Steve, I had the feeling you were going to respond before I
could check some more.
I checked throughhttp://home.centurytel.net/danielsampson/country.txt
What list did you get this from?
It's on Aoki, and some other Firedrake freq's are also listed on EiBi.
It ticks me off when I know I've
heard something before and I can't find it in my notes or any of my
They went silent for two minutes and they're back on. I have a great
copy on them, is the signal intended for the states?
Nooooooooo... it's a jammer against Sound of Hope, out of Taiwan.
The Chinese aren't to listen to that!
That is incredible dude, I definitely added that on my notes
with a highliter and note of when I heard it and what you said along
with the numerous youtube links.
I've never thought of searching youtube with that tag of "jammer"
before, thanks Steve. I can just imagine
what I'll find researching the " Sound of Hope."
Have you ever heard it before? My guess is that it would be damn near
impossible. Talk about Chinese paranoia.