Ultra cool. Thanks you guys!
"Dr. Grok" wrote in message
In article iTrrb.25594$L77.1978@fed1read03, "Blackie Beard"
Hi all;
A search turned up an interesting excerpt from one
Michael Black from this newsgroup, wherein he was
describing designing a circuit using something called
a "Motorola ECLips" chip (to compose the frequency
divider portion of the circuit).
I looked high and low but could find no reference to
this. Anyone know what he's talking about? Date
of post was Tue, 14 Nov 2000 01:24:51, threadname
"Old working wide band catv tuner".
Thanks in advance,
That would be the "ECL in ps" [ps = picoseconds] series of devices, have
or 100E prefixes. Very high speed -- max clock rates typically 700 MHz to
GHz. [Stretching it a little to refer to them as picoseconds, IMHO]
Dr. G.