On Oct 3, 11:43*am, Bill Baka wrote:
nurk_fred2000 wrote:
On Oct 2, 11:46 am, Bill Baka wrote:
Your pictures only point to your dim bulb status.
You have added *nothing*.
***Cheers to you Baka...This Buds for you!
Is that the limit of your Internet abilities, finding pointers to
useless trivia?
and stop starring at the girls chest...why do you think they call it
First, I did not waste the time to watch the clip.
Second, I don't care about the chest.
Third. I have 2 girls (18 (ding-a-ling) and 19 (genius)) I can have
right now, but don't want.
Friends of my granddaughter.
Fourth, I'm 60 and married.
Fifth, I have a 14 year old discussing her sex life with me and waiting
to turn 18 so she can give me a try. (???????????).
Katie is a uniquely intelligent and advanced girl and lets it be known.
What I don't know is if she is going to pursue an encounter when she
does hit 18. Could be interesting.
oh by the by Baka, can we see your IQ Test Results...?...thought
The ones from the bottom end, Mensa, or some of the higher ones?
Always a sign or intelligence. This clown can't even put together a
proper sentence.
No crap over the girls, please. They are real and I took them for bike
rides and walks about 4-6 years ago and they *were* little then. What
was a short 7 year old is now a 5'8" 13 year old and the rest were
older. I have more potential action at 60 than I did when I was 16.
Kind of distracting.
Bill Baka
*****This "Baka" turkey comes across as your standard paedophile.
His facination with young girls is disgusting and I have forwarded his
details onto the appropriate authorities.