Information on ceramic filter
In a box of traded parts I found a cylindrical object labeled
"Clevite Ceramic Filter TL10D16A" that may be some sort
of IF filter according to very dusty old memory files. I would
appreciate it if anyone knows of this brand and can give me
an approximate center frequency and, perhaps, impedance
loading of terminations.
Hermetically sealed about 1 1/2" long by 1/4" diameter, leads
coming out ends of metal case. Unused by appearance of
end wires. Perhaps 30 to 40 years old? Trader had no idea
where he got it (probably in a trade of his).
Clevite is an old company and was purchased by Gould
Electronics some time in the late 1960s. Can't find anything
on this part in web search now.
My thanks for reading. If anyone has any info, feel free to
post it privately or publicly.
73, Len AF6AY