Why the GOP loses
Ima wrote:
On Sat, 10 Oct 2009 18:25:40 -0400, dxAce wrote:
Ima wrote:
Nothing like the leaders of the GOP stating he sides with the Telebon
and Al-Qaeda. Unbelievable!
All the GOP leaders want more war, for oil gains and to promote the war
industry, costing $$$trillions and millions of lives
Affiliate with stupid christains with anti-abortion even though the GOP
over many years has passed many opportunities to have it receded. Bush
even called the anti-abortionist, "stupid". Yow! Imagine if Obama did
Spending BILLIONS of $$$$ on ad campaigns to demoralize the country.
Very patriotic! Like little children, they destroy the toys when their
daddy says they have to share.
Create and Promote total out-right lies as Truth. Nice Christains!
"But, all the media is bad except for FAUX?!", yea right!
Another candidate for deportation!
Your destination of choice, boy?
I chose staying here in the USA. I chose to support our country.
But you on the other hand seem to not like it here. In fact, destroying
it here seems utmost on your list.
It's number 1 on Obangi's list!
Trickle down!