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Old October 14th 09, 07:40 AM posted to,,
Editor RadioTalkingPoints Editor RadioTalkingPoints is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 161
Default Ask Not What Your Country Can Do To You?


Suggested Government Pamphlet Mailing? In order to make things at the
White House Census department run more smoothly, we should mail TO ALL
CITIZENS of the world, at tax payer expense, the following

Dear potential illegal alien,

In order to make your illegal deportation process go more smoothly,
since we anticipate that you will enter our country at some time in
the future illegally, please fill out the enclosed hotel reservation
form? Please also indicate what state and county you will be entering
the country, so that we can notify local Acorn offices to inform the
local sherrif that they will hold gay parades in front of the court
house, and it is their duty not to enforce the laws?

Please also indicate how many friends and family you will be bringing
with you, including, but not limited to, all underage hookers, and the
amount of narcotics or money that Acorn will need to launder under
their don't ask don't tell policy? Thank you for your cooperation, we
look forward to seeing you soon in the United States!

As a bonus package, please fill out the enclosed Census form, so that
we may conduct surveys about what to include in your benefits package
while at your temporary, but perhaps indefinite stay at a local
Democrat supporter who just happens to own a nursing home, or a hotel,
paid for by stupid Americans that will pay for anything signed into
law by phantom amendments, to imaginary Congressional Bills with no

Remember, your participation in redrawing Congressional districts will
ensure that mmm mmm mmm Barack Hussein Obama, will conduct a totally
fair Census count, that will stack the odds against legitimate voters
from stopping our gleeful, enjoyable, recreational, more fun than a
conservative is allowed to have, looting of the American economy?

Signed, Barack Obama and the Imaginary Demo Crap Party? Remember, we
must ignore, the public option, in 2010?

Being that this is the most powerful keyboard in the world, making
sure that we don't worry about the status quo, you've got to ask
yourself a question...?

Do you feel Stupid?

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getting high on cocaine as often as possible as Barack Hussein Obama
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