Obama-Regime Planning on Eliminating Social Security COLAs in
2010, 2011 and 2012 . . . Way To Go Prez Obama !
Billions of US Dollars for Wall Street Bail-Outs to
International Banks and Foreign Investors and Not
One US Dollar for America's Retired US Senior
Citizens . . . Way To Go Prez Obama !
Also the Obama-RegimeŠ will screw-over America's
Retired US Senior Citizens with Higher Medicare
Part 'B' Premiums for Doctor's Services
Plus the Obama-RegimeŠ will screw-over America's
Retired US Senior Citizens with Higher Medicare
Part 'D' Premiums for Prescription Drug Coverage
While the Obama-RegimeŠ and the Democrats
Controlling the US Congress will be giving Free
Medical Coverage to Illegal Aliens under Obama-CareŠ
Paid for with the US Tax Dollars of these very same
American Retired US Senior Citizens.
Shame On You Prez Obama [D-P] !
and the Obama-Regime
Shame On You Nancy Pelosi [D-CA] !
and the Democrat Controlled US House
Shame On You Harry Reid [D-NV] !
and the Democrat Controlled US Senate
Go Green Recycle Congress ! -and-
Say 'No' to Obama, Pelosi & Reid