On Oct 17, 5:09*am, dave wrote:
RHF wrote:
- - JFK in 1961
- - Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You
- -
- - BHO in 2009
- - Ask What You Can Do For Your President
- -
- - Warriors of Domestic 'Change' {Socialism}
- -
- - Crusaders of International 'Hope' {Surrender}
- -
- - *** let's all sing ***
- - Onward, Obama soldiers, marching as to war,
- - With the "O" of Obama going on before.
- - Obama, the Royal Master, leads against the foe;
- - Forward into battle see Obama's banners go!
- You are at war
- with your sanity!
Insane Political Pay-Back Is a B-I-T-C-H ~ RHF
-ps- In 2009 it's now Blame Obama Time !
-cause- The ObamaSter© is the President